

Providing documentary lifestyle and wedding photography in this season of your life because no moment will ever exist the way it does now - your life will evolve, your family will grow, and your story will continue on with or without the visual memory of today. What are you choosing to remember?

To live in a world where every human is seen and accepted for who they are.


Each value below is infused into every aspect of my business to benefit you. 
As a human, I approach life by bringing kindness and generosity, and more everyday vibrance into the lives of those I cross paths with - wether during a session or in passing on the street. 

In my world, simplicity means getting back to the roots of what matters most in life and finding subtle ways to celebrate these things every day. It’s about being present for what’s in front of you, and not searching for what’s not. It’s the way pets sleep all curled up between the shadows and the sun rays. It’s the innocence of a child’s laughter. Gardens.

As your Sudbury photographer, I’m here to remind you that the true beauty of your life, lies in these moments of simplicity, exactly as they are.


Connection is one of our basic human needs. To feel understood by others. To feel accepted. And to feel a sense of belonging. But reconnection is slightly different – it’s about restoring something that once was.

As a Sudbury photographer, I’m here to provide you with photographs that allow you to reconnect to the moments that reflect who you were, who you loved, and how you loved them. Because your memories deserve to be remembered not only by you, but by those after you. For your kids to tell their stories, and for theirs to be connected to yours.


Who are we when nobody is watching? When there is no pressure to be something we’re not? When we feel most comfortable to be ourselves?

That’s what I care most about as a photographer – to create a welcoming environment where you feel comfortable to be yourself, surrounded by those who know you best, and love you dearly.


Grounded in my vision for a world where everyone is seen and accepted fully, I choose to take an experiential approach to photography, where I observe the moments that exist in front of me, documenting them as is. I believe the life you have created is worthy of celebration and is best remembered through natural imagery. With this approach, I am able to document the full spectrum of life and everything that comes with it.

My approach is hands-off. It is to document your life in the present moment, as it happens naturally without heavy direction or posing. 

What does this mean for you? I won’t tell you how to stand, when to kiss, or who should help you get dressed. I won’t tell you who to be or how to be. We experience this enough in life. Your session will feel easy and natural, and your photos will reflect those moments that are real and meaningful to you.

experiential - style

The approach

Natalie + Taylor

"Allison was amazing from our first point of contact. Super responsive and was incredibly flexible leading up to the day of our wedding. She made us feel comfortable throughout the day and the photos are INCREDIBLE! We couldn't be happier."


Documentary wedding photography for those who want to feel, remember and reconnect.

Your life, remembered

Approaching your wedding day with a hands-off, documentary style focus minimizes stripping away the authenticity of a moment. Each image documented on your wedding day is more than a staged moment or pose, it is a memory.

My gift is to transform your memories, your story into art; to bring the energy, the emotions, the love alive in each image so that when you look back on your wedding day you will remember not only how it looked but how it truly felt to share love.


Celebrating this season of your life through lifestyle photography.

Scenes from your life story



An intimate yet liberating experience where we honour your love and celebrate it – allowing this phase of your life to be expressed beautifully.

couples +
