Birth Photographer Sudbury

Birth Photographer Sudbury – Kathleen and Blane


Allison Lucienne

January 14, 2016

Birth Photographer Sudbury

| Kathleen and Blane’s Birth Story |

Kathleen answered a casting call I had done back in early 2015 for a birth session. When Kathleen contacted me, I was excited. The way she spoke about having her birth documented was exactly how I felt. Our friendship came very naturally. The first time we met up to chat, it felt like we weren’t strangers, rather that we had known each other for years.

The day I got the call that she was in labour, I had no idea what to expect. No pregnancy is the same, no birth can be predicted. As a mother of two, I knew this well. I head to over to the hospital and met up with Kathleen and Blane. The day progressed as labour should. Not ever labour story goes as planned. There were unplanned moments during the day but baby Blane finally joined the world with a dramatic entrance. I am so thankful for the relationship I have been able to build with this amazing couple! They are two of the most genuine people I have met in my life. I look forward to sharing baby Blane’s newborn session with you all! And hopefully many more sessions over the years. 🙂  * Warning graphic photos in slideshow! *

Check out my most recent work on social media – F – I –


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