photo essays and a place for inspiration

Ontario Documentary Photographer

Natural Wedding Photos Sudbury Your wedding day will come and go so fast you will be left wondering where the day went. While being surrounded by your nearest and dearest humans and having them present to celebrate your love is just how you envisioned your day, you may look back and realize you didn’t have […]


Hi! I’m Alli L! I’ve been a Sudbury photographer for 10 + years. I mostly document, you guessed it, weddings. Over the last 10 years I have seen my fair share of wedding days. I started to notice there was a theme I was hearing repeatedly from various couples, “it just went by so fast’ […]


Wedding couple taking in the view of Georgian Bay in Killarney just north of Sudbury.

Do you want natural engagement photos (in Sudbury, Ontario) that are unique to your couple essence?Do you want photos that are an honest representation of everything that your love is? Even the playful eyeroll you give your partner when they spit their ‘dad’ jokes? Yah, I get it. Real talk, if you wish your photos […]